VR Meetup - VR for Training and Learning
This wasn't what I was expecting or hoping to go to or what I had in mind, however it proved helpful regardless. It was still worth attending, I found out there is one every month, April one is music related. Will attend it.
Talk also sparked ideas for my project and ones for future ideas I have like games to aid anxiety, something I wanted to do initially but I don't have enough knowledge let alone support to execute the plan so it will be something I'll have pinned in my mind still to do.
Facility and training for a "residency program" there is £50 a month, you meet with collaborators. Worth looking into more.
Based in North Laine (23 Vine Street)
Free app
Can be bought on amazon or John Lewis
You explore the inside body
Ideas sprung from meeting for future things:
Puzzle creations
Looking at solutions or exercises to aid during anxiety attacks